Software Updates

Current Versions

HDD Guidance

Equipment Software Version Update Using
MARKSMAN+ 2.1 Field Scout/WiFi
MARKSMAN 2.1 Field Scout/WiFi
TK Recon Tracker & TD Recon/TDR Recon Display 19/22 TK Updater/Field Scout App
TK Series Tracker 18 TK Updater
TD/TDR Display 18 TK Updater
Commander 7 IFM 8.0/7.0 Field Scout / USB
INT Commander 7 IFM 8.0/7.0 Field Scout / USB
Commander 7 7.1.1/7.0 Field Scout / USB
INT Commander 7 7.0/7.0 Field Scout / USB
17T (New Nose Cone) V3 TK Updater
17T series V118 TK Updater and Beacon Update Tool
15T / 19T V1 TK Updater and Beacon Update Tool
M17 / M17+ Beacons 1.2 Marksman Tracker
Field Scout 1.6.1416 Android or Apple App Store


Utility Locating

Locating Equipment Software Version Update Using
UtiliGuard, UtiliGuard 2 and AccuView Cam Receiver 33.24 Locator Configuration Utility
MyUtiliGuard App 1.0.1290 Android or Apple App Store
UtiliGuard Transmitter 16.4 Locator Configuration Utility
Locator Configuration Utility 40.0 Locator Configuration Utility
UtiliView App 1.0.0 Android or Apple App Store


Marksman™ Software Update.

Update Instructions

HDD Guidance.

Man using Field Scout app

Field Scout™ Mobile Bore Planner.

Use your mobile phone or tablet to walk the bore-path and create a basic bore plan with waypoints and obstacles. GPS connectivity lets you see your plan on Google Earth™. Download the latest version from the App Store or Google Play.

Integrated Display 4.0

Integrated Display

For technical support with Integrated Display, please contact our team directly at 1-800-846-2713 [Option 1].

Subsite TK RECON

TK RECON And TK Series Updater Program.

  1. Click the TK updater program button to download a .exe file that will install the software.
  2. Select ‘Run’ once the file is downloaded or run the downloaded file from your downloads folder.

Download Updater Program

Subsite TMS Plus software

TMS Plus.

Try out TMS Plus free for 30 days.
Download 30-Day Trial

Utility Locators.

Man using Subsite UtiliGuard


How to install software:
Click the two install buttons below to download and install
1) USB drivers, then 2) the configuration utility.

  • Internet Explorer Users: Select ‘Run’ once the file is downloaded.
  • Other browsers: Open your browser downloads folder and click on the setup.exe file.

Requires Windows Vista SP2 or newer. Uninstall previously installed versions of Locator Configuration Utility. 

Install USB DriversInstall Locator Config UtilityLog DownloaderUtiliView Fields Template Project


How to install software:
Click the two install buttons below to download and install
1) USB drivers, then 2) the configuration utility.

• Internet Explorer Users: Select ‘Run’ once the file is downloaded.
• Other browsers: Open your browser downloads folder and click on the setup.exe file.

Requires Windows Vista SP2 or newer.

Install USB DriversInstall Config UtilityLog Downloader

Man using Subsite 2450GR

2450GR Software.

How to install software:
The tablet PC shipped with the 2450GR is already configured with acquisition software. If it is necessary to reinstall the software, follow the steps below:

1.Click on the 2450GR Software Update button below to download the latest version and save it to your computer.

2450GR Software Update

2. Locate and open the downloaded file 2450GRDuoFW.msi.

3. Follow the screen cues and select a TYPICAL installation.

4. When installation is complete, follow the screen cues and click the FINISH button.

Set IP Address

1. Click on the Set IP Address button below to download file to your computer.

Set IP Address

2. Find the downloaded file “” and expand the zip file contents to your hard drive.

3. Inside the zip file folder, locate and right click on the file “windows7_gpr_change_ip_192_168_200_150.cmd” and select “Run as Administrator”.

4. Select “Yes – Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer”.

5. Restart the computer.

Subsite 2550GR software

2550GR Software.

How to update software:

1. Click the 2550GR Software Update Procedure button below to download a PDF file that describes the update procedure.

2. Click on the 2550GR Software Update button below to download the latest version and save it to your computer.

3. Follow the update procedure.

2550GR Software Update Procedure2550GR Software Update


If you encounter a System Error stating “… MSVCP100.dll was not found.” when installing the 2550GR Software, then download and install the following.


Missing .dll InstructionsMissing .dll fix

Man using Subsite 2550GPR

2550GPR Antenna IP Configuration.

Download the file below to configure the IP on your laptop to connect to the GPR antenna. Once downloaded, open the file to auto-configure your settings. Only download this file to the laptop you will use with your GPR.


Inspection Systems.

Software updates for data collection software products can be obtained direct through each software manufacturer.

(877) 487-4737

Pipeline Analytics
(877) 626-8386

(866) 299.3150

(800) 262-7817

POSM Software
(859) 274-0041

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